O you men! surely We have created you of a male and a female, and made you tribes and families that you may know each other; surely the most honorable of you with Allah is the one among you most careful (of his duty); surely Allah is Knowing, Aware.(49/13)Quran
Zazi is a clan from ethnic group Pashtun. They live in the South of province Paktia (Afghanistan). On the westside in area Pewar, they build up inofficial border (Durand line) to Pakistan. On the other side of border live Tori. In the east, in area Kette-Sand is province Logar.
Members of this clan were involved, as a part of afghan army,
in decision-making battle in the year 1919 during third anglo-afghan war in south-east front.
Nadershah and his brothers asked Zazi in year 1929, as they stayed with them,
alongside other pashtun clans, to back them to start armed insurgency against Bache Saqaw.
After communist coup in 1979 and sequently soviet invasion of Afghanistan,
most of Zazi had to leave their homeland direction Pakistan and devoted partly to holy war.
Like other Afghans, some of them took refuge all over the world.
They make a living in horticulture, stock farming, woodworking and trade.
There is below clan structur:
1. Omarkhel
1.1 Petla
1.2 Lesangi
1.3 Lewani
1.4 Khozekhel
1.5 Bejankhel
2.1 Mtakhel
2.2 Ebrahemkhel
2.3 Merekhel
2.1.1 Shega
2.1.2 Markhel
2.1.3 Qalae - Shamohammad
2.1.4 Shukhel
2.1.5 Kazkai
2.2.1 Molapate
2.2.2 Kharmana
2.2.3 Jabarkhel
2.24 Zarakhel